Hey Giants can you all believe we’re in the 10th week of the school year?
Fall break begins Friday. Our fall break this year is from October 10 through October 21. Here is a list of fun activities that you can do during your fall break Some may require travel and some you can do in the comfort of your own home.
Public activities
Harvest Nights at Newfields are available from September 30 through October 30.
Irvington Halloween Festival takes place from October 22 through October 29.
Indy Screampark is open from September 30 through November 5 with varying hours
Take a zipline tour available now until October 9
Visit Santa’s Stables available now until the end of October
Visit Brown County State Park for it’s beautiful and colorful foliage
Tailgate at your school’s football game
Take a weekend road trip to the woods
Have a cafe date
Shop at your local farmers market for seasonal produce and baked goods
At-home activities
Collect colorful fall leaves
Make scarecrows
Have a candy apple bar with different toppings and decorations
Throw a halloween party with a costume contest
Dress in flannels or plaid patterns
Binge watch special halloween episodes
Rake leaves and jump in them
Remember Giants, there are many ways to have fun while being safe. As the season changes we all need to be more aware of our surroundings and watch out for anything out of the ordinary. If you go out remember to always wear your coat, stay nearby a friend, and have fun.