Looking out for our future

It is important to plan for success

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Will you be a college graduate and work at the job of your dream, or will you be working at a job that you don’t enjoy and you’re just there so you can make money to survive?

The three big things you need to think about to have a great future are what you want to do in college, how you will keep yourself on track to be who you want to be and where do you see yourself after college.

A fast facts website states there are 2,870 universities and colleges in the United States and there are 1,729 community colleges. That is a lot of choices to go through, but you should always pick a college you believe has the best courses to go with your future.

Some people go with a college they have already heard of or that a friend or relative might have attended. There is something to be said about the friendly feel of familiarity.

Most of us spend a lot of time in high school thinking about college – how to apply, which one is good for me, how much does it cost, and the list goes on. College helps prepare you for the real world. For most of us, it is our first time to learn how to live on our own, that can sound like fun to some and be scary for others.

As we prepare for life after high school, remember that everyone picks his or her own path. For some that is college, for others the military and for others straight into the work environment.  Attending college is a personal choice and the options are many for each of us.

Now imagine you have just graduated college and it is time to start your life. What will you do first?

I think it is important to find a job or career that interests you the most. You are going to work everyday so it makes sense to find a job that matches your interests.

College might be a scary world, but it is an option many of us will be tking in the next 2-3 years. Make the most of it.